It was when I first was certified as CGTF Professional that I instantly felt a deep connection to the Canadian Golf Teachers Federation. It is a common feeling many people experience after attending the Professional Certification course. During the process, we share inspiration and knowledge throughout the group, including both the participants and the facilitator.
The CGTF is vast in terms of demographics, although every participant has a similar passion for golf that draws them together. The application of this education is equally varying too. As the business climate and golf industry has slowed down, the result is individuals becoming CGTF instructors are more focused.
On August 1, 2013, I became President of the CGTF, a role I thoroughly enjoy. My key duties include; scheduling certification courses, business development, membership services, networking with other Canadian golf associations, facilitating learning, marketing, accounting, and more. Every day, I think of ways to enhance our offerings and create more value for our great members. I know that we are gaining traction every year in the industry, and it makes me proud to be a part of this great organization.

Private & Semi-Private Certification Oak Hills Option
The golf industry continues to evolve and so does the offering of the Canadian Golf Teachers Federation. We have conducted many smaller certifications schools in the past few years and are finding the work out very well. The participants benefit from getting more of the facilitator’s attention and enjoy playing golf with them daily as well. After a successful pilot certification week at our National Headquarters and teaching facility, Oak Hills Golf Club, we have decided to offer week long certifications upon request in addition to the scheduled weekly group programs.
The participants will learn all the same information they would in the group program however this week will also have one additional benefit. You will shadow the facilitator during actual golf lessons and see first hand how the lesson is executed. This has been proven to expedite the learning process for the participants as the theoretical presentations are now supported by an applied learning approach.
The program will be consistent with the regular certification information but the schedule may change slightly to accommodate afternoon golf each day, weather, and bookings for students. The rules requirements, verbal testing, and playability requirements must be met in order to earn full certification at the end of the week.
2020 Price $1635.00 per person includes HST